Monday, April 28, 2014

5 Supercool Ways To Lose Belly Fat

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Classic crunches and sit-ups become boring when trying to burn belly fat. There are some tips and tricks to trigger the release of those stubborn fats. Having fat around your middle is not only unsightly but it's extremely unhealthy. Having fat in your belly can lead to all kinds of problems like type two diabetes and heart disease. We want to get rid of the fat and do it in a way that isn't so lame. Here are 5 supercool ways to lose belly fat.

Go Green With Green Tea:

There is a direct line between consumption of green tea and smaller waist lines. Green tea contains compounds called catechins that increases release of fat cells, speeds up the livers fat burning, and boosts energy. Drinking about 4 cups of green tea a day puts you at the right levels. There is about the same amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee as there is in green tea. Try switching to green tea instead of coffee in the morning. It is also helpful to drink green tea with meals. Cold beverages kill enzymes in your stomach that are extremely important for digestion. So, switch to antioxidant rich green tea to burn that belly fat.

Eat More Beans:

Beans are an undervalued super food. They are high in proteins and are considered a good type of starch. They contain resistant starch, a belly fat fighter. This kind of starch is also found in potatoes, corn and bananas. Resistant starch does not turn to sugar like most other carbohydrates. They instead pass right through the body undigested, like fiber. They also contain a variety of vitamins that are essential for weight loss, especially around the belly.

Carry Water With You Everywhere:

Whenever you feel hungry or have an urge to drink a soda you will have your water. Not only does water keep you feeling full longer, it keeps you well hydrated. Being hydrated helps you're all the muscles in your body work, which means more fat burning. Drink a glass of water before each meal and you will eat much less food. Anything that keeps you in your caloric goal is a very cool thing.

Eat A Rainbow:

The more colorful your diet is, the healthier it is. There are lots of belly fighting colorful foods that actually target belly fat. Grapefruit is one of them. There are compounds in grapefruits that lower insulin, a fat storing hormone, which can lead to weight loss. Grapefruit is also full of liquids and protein, so you can fill up while you eat. Peppers are another example of a belly blaster. Adding spicy, colorful peppers into your diet is a great way to boost your metabolism for a short time after meals. The more colors you add into your life, the healthier you will be, which means less belly fat!

Stomach Excersise:

Doing crunches and sit-ups is a good way to target your stomach. It can become boring at times just doing hundreds of crunches though. Go outside for a walk. A change of scenery is great for motivation, and walking/jogging strengthens the core. Raining? Do some yoga. It strengthens all the muscles in your body especially your core, which is your stomach. Add in some crunches while watching TV so it's not quite as boring. There are hundreds of exercises out there that will strengthen and work your belly fat off. Find the right one for you, something fun, and remember to switch it up from time to time to keep the motivation going.

The biggest thing to remember when trying to lose belly fat is doesn't mean to starve yourself. Cutting calories is a big part of weight loss, but going too low can actually have the opposite effect. To be healthy, and lose belly fat you need to eat well. It wrecks your metabolism and can actually put belly fat on you. Your body thinks its starving (because it is!) so it stores everything that you do eat as fat. The purpose is to lose the weight, not put it on. Starving yourself is unhealthy and will not work! So, fill up on beautiful colorful fruits and vegetables that are low in calories and high in health and you will be losing that belly fat in no time.

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