Thursday, July 10, 2014

How To Maintain A Healthy Weight

If you have recently lost some weight, you should understandably be proud of your achievements. However, in some cases people find it difficult to maintain this weight loss when they no longer have a target to work towards. The following tips can help you to maintain the healthy weight that you have reached.

Watch Your Weight

While there may not be so much of a need to weigh yourself on a regular basis when you have reached your target weight, it may be a good idea to still keep an eye on your weight every now and then. This means that if you have gained a little bit of weight then you can address this before too much weight is gained.

Avoid Late Night Eating

Studies have suggested that if people eat late at night, the food that they tend to choose will be foods that they consider as treats. Therefore they are likely to be foods that are high in calories. If this practice is carried out on a regular basis then you may start to gain weight.

Eat Regularly

To keep your metabolism working at a steady rate it is better to eat little and often. When your metabolism is at a higher rate then you will burn more calories, even when you are resting. When you eat regularly you are less likely to get to the point where you are so hungry that you make bad food choices.

Eat Breakfast

People who do not eat breakfast are more likely to be overweight than those that do. One of the main reasons for this is that when breakfast is not eaten, by mid morning you will become so hungry that you are not in a position to make good choices when it comes to food. When breakfast is eaten it sets you up for the day and makes it easier for you to maintain a healthy weight.

Drink Plenty Of Water

Drinking water has many health benefits and one of these is to help you maintain a healthy weight. Drinking two liters of water per day means that your body will not retain water which can help you maintain your weight loss. Drinking plenty of water can also suppress the appetite which means you are less likely to consume as many calories.

Chew Your Food

It can take as long as fifteen minutes for the brain to get the message that the stomach is full. If you eat too quickly this can lead to you consuming more food than you actually need. Taking the time to chew your food and savor it means that you are not likely to over eat and this is very important in helping you to maintain a healthy weight.


Exercise is one of the most effective ways to help you maintain a healthy weight. People who exercise on a regular basis are more likely to maintain their weight loss than those who do not. If you followed a routine for exercise when you were losing weight, then continuing with this routine will help to keep the weight off.

Get A Good Nights Sleep

Lack of sleep is thought to increase the appetite and so getting a good nights sleep can help you to maintain a healthy weight. When you are fully rested it becomes easier to make the right choices about the food that you are eating and if your appetite is under control then you are less likely to consume extra calories.

Don't Stress

Stress can be one of the leading factors that causes people to overeat. When people find themselves in stressful situations they may turn to food for comfort and it is likely to be high fat, sugary snacks that they choose. Trying to relieve your stress can help you to maintain a healthy weight as you will be in a better frame of mind to make good choices regarding the food that you eat.

Be Honest With Yourself And Watch Your Portion Sizes

When you are trying to maintain your weight you will probably not make as much effort to measure out your portion sizes as when you are trying to lose weight. When you are maintaining your weight loss you will be able to eat slightly larger portions but it can be easy to get carried away. Not allowing your portion sizes to get too large will help you to maintain a healthy weight.


If you have worked hard at reaching your healthy weight then it would be a shame if all your hard work was undone if you struggle to maintain it. This can be achieved by following these tips.

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