Monday, June 30, 2014

Paleo and Ketogenic Diets Can Help With Diabetes And Cancer

For many years people who are trying to lose weight have been told that they need to eat less in order to consume less calories. The problem that this presents for a lot of people is that eating less means that they are hungry more often.
People may be able to ignore these feelings of hunger for a while but more than likely after a while they will feel so hungry that they binge on the food that they feel they have been depriving themselves of, which will usually be processed snacks and other sugary foods. They then feel that they have failed at their diet and give up.

Diets that place no restriction on the amount of fat that a person consumes, but instead restrict carbohydrates mean that people can eat until they are satisfied which eliminates this problem. Examples of these types of diet include LCHF, Paleo and Ketogenic diets and they have all increased in popularity in recent years. These diets can also help with other diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

40 Year Demonization Of Fat Was Based On Flawed Science

A recent article in the British Medical Journal has suggested that demonization of saturated fat that occurred during the 70s and 80s may have based on data that didn't present the full picture of the link between saturated fat and heart disease. In the initial study, which was published in 1952, data was presented from a study which showed the link between increased consumption of saturated fats and heart disease. However, this study only used data from six countries which supported this theory, while more extensive data was available from 22 countries. More recent studies have suggested that there is no evidence that an increased amount of saturated fat in a diet has any effect on the heart, whether good or bad.

LCHF Diets Aid Weight Loss And Prevent Cancer

LCHF diets have been used for over 150 years to help people lose weight. The main benefit of a LCHF diet is that people who follow it often find that they do not get hungry. There is no need to count calories or measure portion sizes. People are able to as much of certain types of food, including meat, fish eggs and vegetables, as they want until they are satisfied. Following a LCHF diet means that people will be cutting out sugary and starchy foods such as processed snacks, rice, potatoes and pasta.

Carbs Are Devastating For The Brain

An increased amount of carbohydrates in a diet may also have a negative effect on the brain. A study that has been carried out by the Mayo Clinic suggests that people who follow a LCHF diet have are 65% less likely to develop dementia and other similar illnesses.


Carbs Are Devastating For The Brain. An increased amount of carbohydrates in a diet may also have a negative effect on the brain. A study that has been carried out by the Mayo Clinic suggests that people who follow a LCHF diet have are 65% less likely to develop dementia and other similar illnesses.

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